Friday, October 22, 2010

Poupe Konfo (Comfort Dolls) for the Haiti Rescue Center

This past Sunday was "Social Service Sunday" at church. This is my yearlong project on the CYRE Council (Council for Youth Religious Education), we do it 4 times a year. During RE (aka in other circles as Sunday School) the kids learn about what they will be doing, and the instructions to create the item (it could be dog biscuits for the SPCA, simple fleecy blankets for the crisis nursery, doing a sport-a-thon to raise money for the soup kitchen, etc), then spend about 20 minutes to a half hour creating the items, then we send them off!

First the kids all gathered together while I explained the project, where Haiti is, and why they need our help. Then we showed a video that Diane mashed up for us from existing videos from the Rescue Center. I am having some trouble posting it, so I will show you the main video that talks about Real Hope for Haiti...the Clinic and the Rescue the myriad of community work they do in and around Cazale (Kazal).

Real Hope For Haiti from Corrigan Clay on Vimeo.

This time we made easy fleece "knot dolls" which I call "comfort dolls." In Kreyol, this would be Poupe Konfo. It was simply a piece of fleece with a knot in each corner, a slit cut where the head would attach, and then you insert a long strip of brown fleece, knot that onto the first piece of fleece, and then slice the excess into strips to make "hair." The kids had a GREAT time making these.

We made 89 dolls between all the RE classes! The littlest class, our Rainbows, also made paper hearts as cards to go with them. Now we will send them off to Real Hope for Haiti's HQ in the USA, and they will ship them down to the Rescue Center. Licia will then get us photos of the babies and kids with their new comfort dolls! I can't wait for that!

We want as many people to come to this blog and see what we are doing as we can. We hope that you will consider donating anything to help our fund grow. Remember, all funds go to help Haiti and will be sent there at the end of our church year, June 2011. I really want to get the kids fired up by increasing our Haiti fund from people online...there are SOOO many of you out there passionate to help Haiti! They will be so excited to see that people from all over are seeing what they are doing and are helping too! Even just leave a comment and where you are from, so I can read it to them on Sunday.

Thank you! 


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the kids to see the photos of the dolls they MADE in those little kids' hands! How glorious! Thanks for doing this Steph! You are our own, private Angelina Jolie!
